Elite Lawyer
Salmonella Food Poisoning Attorney Overview

Compensation for Food Poisoning From Salmonella

If you have become ill after eating food contaminated by salmonella, an attorney can help you pursue compensation from the responsible parties.





Salmonella Food Poisoning Attorney Overview

Salmonella Food Poisoning

Lawyer Representation in Cases Involving Foodborne Diseases

All too often, people in the United States become ill after eating contaminated food. While federal and state laws and regulations require farmers, manufacturers, distributors, restaurants, and grocery stores to meet certain requirements to protect the safety of the public, there are many cases in which people contract serious food poisoning illnesses due to the negligence of one or more parties.

Salmonellosis, which is caused by exposure to salmonella bacteria, is one common foodborne illness, and those who have contracted this disease should be sure to understand their options for receiving compensation from those who were responsible. A personal injury lawyer can help you establish liability and pursue financial compensation for your damages.

Salmonella Infections

Salmonella is a bacteria that lives in the intestines of humans and animals, and salmonellosis can be contracted when someone eats food that has been contaminated with human or animal feces. Salmonella is often found in:

  • Contaminated eggs
  • Raw meat and poultry
  • Raw vegetables and fruits
  • Unpasteurized milk and juice

People may contract salmonella if they eat meat, poultry, or eggs that have not been fully cooked or vegetables or fruits that have not been properly washed. Other foods may become contaminated with salmonella if they come into contact with raw meat or poultry.


In most cases, salmonellosis causes diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever that last for 12 to 72 hours, and many people are able to recover without the need for treatment. However, more serious complications can occur, including:

  • Severe diarrhea that requires hospitalization.
  • Infection of the bloodstream and other organs, which can lead to death if antibiotics are not administered promptly.
  • Reactive arthritis that leads to long-lasting joint pain, eye irritation, and pain when urinating.

Elderly people over the age of 65, children younger than five years old, and people who have weak immune systems (such as those with cancer, diabetes, or HIV/AIDS) are the most at risk for severe illnesses due to salmonella.

Negligence Leading to Salmonella Contamination

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1.2 million people become ill from salmonella infection in the United States each year. Of these, 23,000 people require hospitalization, and 450 people ultimately die from salmonellosis or related complications.

While the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) takes steps to prevent salmonella contamination in foods sold to consumers in the United States, negligence on the part of food manufacturers, distributors, or restaurants can cause people to contract salmonellosis. This negligence may include:

Scales Restaurant staff who did not properly wash their hands before preparing or handling food or failed to clean food preparation surfaces.
Scales A restaurant that failed to fully cook meat, poultry, fish, or eggs to the correct internal temperature.
Scales A restaurant or grocery store that did not properly refrigerate foods or did not keep raw foods separate from other foods.
Scales Restaurant staff who caused cross-contamination by using utensils or surfaces to prepare food after they came into contact with raw meat, poultry, or seafood.
Scales A food processing or packaging facility that allowed products to become contaminated with salmonella bacteria.

If you have contracted a salmonella infection because of the negligence of a restaurant, grocery store, or food manufacturer, you should work with an attorney to determine your options for recovering compensation for the damages you have suffered. An experienced lawyer can help you identify negligent parties, establish fault, and work to hold those who caused your illness responsible for the harm they have done to you and your family.

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