How Can Attorneys Use Online Videos to Market Themselves?
The internet offers nearly endless opportunities for attorneys and law firms to connect with potential clients. A comprehensive digital marketing strategy can ensure that a lawyer will be able to reach people through multiple channels, including via a law firm’s website, on social media, through email newsletters, and by appearing in search results. Video content is an increasingly effective way of connecting with people, and attorneys can use videos in a variety of ways to demonstrate the value they can provide to their clients.
Types of Video Content That Can Benefit a Digital Marketing Strategy
In many cases, people looking for information online will prefer to watch videos rather than read text. Attorneys can take advantage of these preferences by creating videos that answer clients’ questions and provide information about legal issues. Content may take the form of “explainer” videos in which a lawyer discusses different aspects of the law or answers frequently asked questions. Animation may also be used to make these videos more engaging and provide a better understanding of the issues being discussed.
Videos may be posted on a law firm’s YouTube channel. Because YouTube is owned by Google, these videos are likely to show up in search results for people who are looking for information about legal issues. A video’s title and description can include links back to a law firm’s website, providing additional search engine optimization (SEO) benefits and increasing website traffic.
When videos are embedded on a website, this will encourage visitors to remain on the site and learn more about the firm, and they may be encouraged to reach out to an attorney by filling out an online contact form, making a phone call, or using click-to-chat tools. Videos may also be shared on social media, allowing for additional engagement with potential clients as they leave comments or share videos with others. An attorney may also post videos directly on social media apps such as TikTok, and this can demonstrate their knowledge of the law and their ability to provide quality legal services for clients.
Videos can also be a good way to highlight awards that an attorney has received. Elite Lawyer provides customized videos to attorneys who have been recognized with the Elite Lawyer award and included in our directory. These videos can be posted on a firm’s website and shared on social media, encouraging potential clients to reach out to an attorney for legal help.
Learn More About Our Elite Lawyer Products
At Elite Lawyer, we provide attorneys with a wide variety of tools they can use to promote themselves and connect with clients. If you have any questions about how you can be recognized as an Elite Lawyer, or if you are looking to build a successful digital marketing strategy for your firm, please contact us at 833-403-5483.