Elite Lawyer
Federal Employment Law

Representing Injured Federal Employees Nationwide

Our FEDERAL workers' compensation attorneys assist with OWCP cases. We help FEDERAL employees receive benefits for work-related injuries. Call us now for a FREE consultation.




Federal Office of Workers' Compensation Programs Attorney Overview

Office of Workers' Compensation

Lawyer Assistance With OWCP Claims for Federal Employees

Employees who suffer on-the-job injuries are entitled to receive workers' compensation benefits that will cover the costs of the medical care resulting from their injuries and the income they have lost because of disability. Worker's comp for federal government employees is administered through the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP).

When filing a claim with the OWCP, it is important to work with an experienced federal workers' compensation attorney who can assist a worker with meeting legal requirements, arguing the need for benefits, and appealing any denials of claims.

Federal Workers' Compensation Programs

The OWCP operates four programs to provide benefits for federal workers:

Scales Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC) - This program covers most federal and postal workers who have suffered employment-related injuries or contracted occupational diseases.
Scales Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC) - This program provides compensation for current or former employees of the Department of Energy (DOE), as well as vendors, contractors, and subcontractors who contracted diseases because of toxic exposure while working at covered facilities.
Scales Division of Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Program (DLHWC) - This program ensures that workers' compensation benefits are delivered to people injured or killed while working in land-based maritime jobs, including workers on overseas U.S. military bases.
Scales Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation (DCMWC) - This program (also known as the Black Lung Program) provides benefits to coal miners who contracted lung diseases while working and their survivors.

OWCP Benefits

Federal employees who are eligible for workers' compensation can receive the following types of benefits:

Scales Payment of medical bills - Bills for medical care may be submitted by medical providers or workers, and they are usually processed within 28 days after being received.
Scales Wage loss compensation - If a worker demonstrates medical evidence of disability, they will usually be able to receive compensation for their lost wages within 14 days of submitting a claim.
Scales Assistance returning to work - Federal employees have the right to reclaim their job within one year of being injured. Employees may receive assistance with medical rehabilitation, or they may receive vocational rehabilitation that will help them find a new job if they are unable to return to their previous position.
Scales Retirement benefits - Employees who have become disabled and are unable to return to work may be eligible to receive ongoing retirement benefits through the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) or the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS), depending on how long they have worked in their position.

Contact a Federal Workers' Comp Attorney

Federal employees who have been injured or contracted a disease while working should contact an experienced federal employment law attorney. At The Devadoss Law Firm, P.L.L.C., we can help you meet your requirements for filing a claim and assist with the appeal of any denied claims. Contact us at 866-801-1614 to schedule a free consultation.

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