Elite Lawyer

Driver's License Reinstatement Attorney Overview

Elite Driver's License Reinstatement Attorney

Lawyer Assistance With License Suspension or Revocation

For most people in the United States, driving a vehicle is part of our everyday lives, whether we are traveling to work, transporting family members, or running errands. The loss of your driving privileges can be a serious problem that affects both your personal life and your ability to work and earn an income.

If your driver's license has been suspended or revoked, it is important to work with an attorney who can help you meet your requirements for license reinstatement. A skilled lawyer can provide you with the guidance and advocacy you need to get back on the road as soon as possible and return to your normal life.

Reasons for License Suspension

A person's driver's license can be suspended or revoked for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Drunk driving - A DUI arrest or refusal to submit to a blood alcohol test will typically result in the suspension of one's driver's license. Depending on state laws, a license may be suspended immediately, or a driver may receive notice that their license will be suspended after a short period of time. A DUI arrest in a state where a person does not reside will typically result in a license suspension in their home state.
  • Traffic violations - Depending on state laws, a person may have "points" added to their driving record after receiving a traffic ticket, with the number of points being based on the seriousness of the violation. If the number of points on a driver's record reaches a certain threshold within a specified period of time, this may trigger a suspension of their driver's license.
  • Other offenses - A person's license may be suspended for violations of state laws, such as failure to pay parking tickets, failure to pay fines, juvenile delinquency, failure to pay court-ordered child support, or failure to maintain required vehicle insurance.

License Reinstatement

Following a period of driver's license suspension or revocation, a person may be able to have their license reinstated after filing a petition for reinstatement. Under state laws, a driver may need to meet certain requirements or attend a court hearing. In some cases, drivers convicted of DUI may be required to install an ignition interlock device (IID) in their vehicle before their license can be reinstated.

If you have lost your driving privileges, an experienced lawyer can help you understand how the laws in your state affect your license, work with you to meet your requirements for reinstatement, advocate for you in any hearings, and help you minimize the disruptions to your life.

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Springfield, IL 62704
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St. Charles, IL 60174
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