Elite Lawyer

Pedestrian Accident Attorney Overview

Elite Pedestrian Accident Attorney

Lawyer Representation For People Struck By Vehicles

Even the smallest motor vehicles are dangerous when they collide with a person who is on foot. Pedestrian accidents can result in serious injuries, and when a person is struck by a car, truck, bus, motorcycle, or other vehicle, they may be able to pursue compensation from the party or parties who were liable for their injuries.

If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident, it is crucial to work with a skilled personal injury attorney. An experienced lawyer can investigate the circumstances of the collision, determine who was at fault for your injuries, and help you understand your best options for recovering compensation.

Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

While pedestrian accidents may occur because of the actions taken by a pedestrian, such as jaywalking, in many cases, the driver who strikes a pedestrian is at fault. Pedestrian accidents may be caused by:

  • Speeding - Drivers who exceed the speed limit may be unable to stop in time to avoid pedestrians. Speeding in a school zone can be especially dangerous, resulting in injuries to children.
  • Failure to obey laws - Drivers who run red lights, fail to stop at stop signs, or do not yield to pedestrians who have the right of way may strike people who are legally crossing the street at an intersection.
  • Distracted driving - Drivers who use cell phones while driving or take their attention off the road to adjust their radio, check a navigation system, eat or drink, or converse with passengers may not see pedestrians in time to avoid hitting them with their vehicle.
  • Drunk driving - Driving while intoxicated by alcohol or drugs can significantly slow a driver's reaction time and impair their judgment, causing them to be unable to avoid pedestrians and resulting in deadly collisions.
  • Road hazards - Traffic signals that are not functioning correctly, incorrectly marked crosswalks, or other dangerous conditions can make the roads unsafe for pedestrians. In these cases, local or state government agencies responsible for the design and maintenance of the roadways may be liable for a person's injuries.

Pedestrian accidents can result in a wide variety of serious injuries, including brain injuries, neck and spine injuries, broken bones, and wrongful death. A pedestrian will likely face a wide variety of difficulties, including costly medical bills, disability, rehabilitation, impairment to their ability to earn an income, and pain and suffering of both a physical and emotional nature.

If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident, an attorney can work with you to determine who is liable for your injuries and help you obtain compensation for the damages you have suffered, ensuring that you receive the financial resources you need as you recover from your injuries.

Featured Attorneys

Allen N. Schwartz

Allen N. Schwartz

Illinois Personal Injury Attorney

Schwartz Jambois

60 W. Randolph St., 4th Floor
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 312-782-5228
Todd A. Bresney

Todd A. Bresney

Springfield Personal Injury Attorney

Kanoski Bresney

2730 South MacArthur Blvd.
Springfield, IL 62704
Phone: 217-523-7742
Darlina C. Crowder

Darlina C. Crowder

Collin County Criminal Attorney

The Crowder Law Firm, P.C.

7950 Legacy Drive, Suite 360
Plano, TX 75024
Phone: 214-544-0061
Tricia Goostree

Tricia Goostree

Kane County Family Law Attorney

Goostree Law Group

555 S. Randall Road, Suite 200
St. Charles, IL 60174
Phone: 630-584-4800
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